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MCJ Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
pkgMcj.CmdRuns a unix utility as a subprocess
pkgMcj.DirFilterTo filter directory names when loading files
pkgMcj.DropMenuMcj dropMenu
pkgUtil.FileOutManages a stream file for output
pkgMcj.FolderDirectory instance
pkgMcj.FunctionBarMcj FunctionBar shown at bottom of panels
pkgMcj.IsFileFilterTests if the path is a file
pkgView.KeyboardKeypress handler
pkgMcj.McjClass Mcj starts the application and does function mediation
pkgMcj.MenuBarMenuBar class holds a set of text items which are selectors
pkgView.MenuItemAdds a keyboard handler to a TextItem
pkgMcj.PanelGrid3-column panel grid instance
pkgMcj.PanelRowFile info TextItems
pkgMcj.RowColRow and column
pkgView.ScreenKitInterface to Ncurses library
pkgView.TextItemAttributes and methods for displaying text data or labels
pkgUtil.UtilDateDate/time string formats Logo